
Juan Manuel Ruiz

"Juan Manuel Ruiz has manifested into a multifaceted and versatile artist with distinctively glistening compositions and melodies, creating a signature sound that is dynamic, emotional and progressively innovative". Artistreachofficial

Juan Manuel Ruiz is a pianist who produces and edits his music independently. He works in the municipal archive as an administrative one. Juan Manuel is a lover of new age music for piano and melancholic and relaxed melodies.

He studies piano at the Darezzo School (http://www.escueladarezzo.com), where he has been learning the secrets of the instrument for years. 

In 2018 he released the album «Will», an album with 13 songs for piano with orchestral arrangements that marks his debut as a pianist composer. The songs She and Uncertainty have accumulated more than 200,000 views on Spotify, and Soliloquy has several thousand views on YouTube. 

The emotional song Travel to your lap is the prize for creativity at the piano http://www.delacreatividadalpiano.com/2021/03/juan-manuel-ruiz-premio-concurso.html

In 2020 he presented a new album, «Cutouts», this time a solo piano album, made up of ten new songs, ten cutous, plus a performance of Nocturne op 9 No 2 by Chopin. The songs Cutouts and In my dreams accumulate thousands of views on YouTube, Spotify and Pandora.

In 2023, Juan Manuel returns with two albums of contrasting sounds, of lived memories and dreamed memories, of nostalgic moments and disturbing moments, of paths of light and dark paths. Two ways of looking at the past that we carry inside our hearts.

Juan Manuel Ruiz piano
"Now, in this accelerated and confusing time, a nostalgic look arises at the path traveled, at the moments, at the friends, at the memories that we carry in our hearts and that change our perspective.."

Juan Manuel Ruiz




The future and the influence on the path of life, free will and uncertainty or destiny reflected behind the glass are questions in Will's songs.


Confinement during COVID is a parenthesis from which several songs are born, formed with cutouts, a puzzle of melodies that come together to give rise to a journey or an illusion, a hope for transformation.

Portada de memories

Memories of the heart

We are all full of memories inside us that accompany us and that we often evoke accompanied by family or friends. Unforgettable and nostalgic moments that are part of our hearts

Portada Return

The return

In some situations we return to those diffuse memories, that we do not know if they happened as we remember, or that cause us sadness or restlessness, for those who are no longer here, those we lost or because they were not pleasant moments

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